Weekly Update and Keeping Connected 31 August 2022

Welcome to the weekly update and this months edition of ‘Keeping Connected.’ We hope you enjoy reading the personal experiences of some of our learners and what they have gained from attending the College. You can find our newsletter here:
Weight off your Mind
In this supportive one-off workshop, we will help you to understand why we may sometimes turn to binge eating, and eating for comfort, when facing challenging emotions. You will learn tools to help you to get control over this type of eating by changing your mindset and building motivation for positive change.
Weight off your mind – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)
Medication and Me
Join us as we explore the world of mental health medication, and learn about the different ways these drugs can affect us, both in helpful ways, and their potential side effects. This one-off session, delivered by the Deputy Chief Pharmacist at Fieldhead Hospital alongside a RWC Volunteer, focuses on how commonly prescribed mental health medications work, how we can get the most from them, and how to work with prescribers to get answers to any queries or concerns.
A Plan for Living Well
We would love you to meet us and find out more about this potentially life changing course “A Plan for Living Well”. This is an opportunity for you to see if the course is right for you before you fully commit to attending the full 8 sessions. We will explain what the course is about in more detail and what is required of you in terms of commitment and in supporting others on the course.
You can see a full list of our upcoming courses here: View all courses – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)
Please remember if you are already enrolled with the College then please get in touch via email or telephone to book on your chosen course or workshop. There is no need to enrol again.
Email: ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk
Telephone: 07717867911
We are a bit thin on the ground at the moment so please bear with us if you don’t get an immediate response.
If you are new to the College please enrol here
Brand New: Discovery College, Wakefield
This brand new Recovery College is for people aged 16 – 25 and launches on 1 September 2022. For details visit: About us – Wakefield Recovery and Wellbeing College (wakefieldrecoverycollege.nhs.uk)
Other initiatives from local organisations:
Demential Carer Expo
Carers can connect with dementia stakeholders from Kirklees, NHS, the community and more! Followed with an optional 4 week ‘Discovering Dementia’ programme. At Lindley Methodist Church on Saturday 10 September from 10am – 2pm. Free Entry. For further info visit: www.ddc.org.uk/carerEXPO
Join us on Facebook and Instagram:
C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook
We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend.
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
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