Weekly Update

College News

November 7, 2024

Welcome to the Weekly Update. New courses in Kirklees are out now for 2025! Don’t dally and do get yourself booked onto them! Courses for Calderdale, and online, are being added all the time too! So watch this space and click onto our course timetable for more information!

Feeling in need of inspiration? You can read our learner stories here of how attending a course has helped them:

Learner stories: Blogs

Please remember that we are always after suitable articles, so if you have something you’d like to contribute get in touch with us at: Ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk

Help us to help you!

We always do our best to manage numbers on courses. We are becoming more popular with many of our courses having waiting lists! Please make sure you attend the courses and sessions you have booked onto wherever possible. Please get in touch as soon as you can if you can’t, we understand life can gets in the way. It allows us to offer the place to someone else who would benefit from the course.

See here for our attendance policy


Recovery & Wellbeing College courses

Click the icon or link below for details of all our upcoming courses:

Click to book – View all courses – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)


Courses coming up soon with places still available:


Dream Destinations – Travel Totes Printing

Project Colt, Elland, Halifax, Bridgefield Mills, Elland Bridge, Elland, Halifax HX5 0SQ

Wednesday 13 November 2024, 10.00am-1.30pm, 2 weeks- still places available, book now

Do you have a favourite place where you like to spend time? Where you feel comfortable and relaxed? It could be a holiday destination, the town you grew up in, or even a dream location! Join our friendly and experienced facilitator, James, for this brand new course. We will each design our own travel stamps – like the ones you would see on old suitcases – before transferring our designs onto lino to create prints. All materials will be provided.

Dream Destinations – Travel Totes Printing


Gift Bags

Online – still places available, book now

Wednesday 13 November 2024, 10am-12pm, 1 week

Engaging in arts and crafts can be a great way to improve our sense of wellbeing and, with the busy festive season ahead, this one-off winter workshop is a great opportunity to focus on a simple activity and forget about our worries for a while. Alongside, our wonderful Creative Practitioner, Sara using everyday items we will learn how to make gift bags which are great for unusual shaped gifts and add a personal touch, while also saving money. No previous experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome.

Gift Bags


Weaving Workshop: God’s Eye

Mirfield Community Centre, Water Royd Lane, Mirfield, WF14 9SG

Wednesday 20 November 2024, 12.30pm-2.30pm, 1 week – still places available, book now

Join us for this wonderful creative workshop, where together we will learn simple weaving techniques using yarn to create a colourful, spiritual object called a ‘God’s Eye’ to decorate your home or garden. This one-off session delivered by Sara, our fab Creative Practitioner is a great introduction to weaving and an opportunity to meet other learners in a safe, friendly and informal setting.  All materials provided and no previous experience is necessary.

Weaving Workshop: God’s Eye


Body Image

Online – Microsoft Teams

Monday 25 November 2024 12.30pm – 3pm 1 week – still places available, book now

Lets talk about body image! This friendly workshop will give you the opportunity to learn about what body image is and give you some tips on how to have a better relationship with your body image. We will talk about body positivity and focus on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. During the session we will look at ways:

  • to promote a positive body image
  • explore how history and background impact beauty standards
  • you can look at yourself as a complete person and not just what looks back at you in the mirror

and most importantly, work towards accepting the body you are in!

Delivered by our partners at Wakefield Recovery College

Body Image


Self Esteem and Resilience

Media Centre, Huddersfield, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL

Tuesday 26 November 2024 1pm – 3pm 2 weeks – still places available, book now

Delivered by the ever lovely, Karl at the Waythrough, this two week course will help you discover how to improve feelings of self worth and to build self esteem.  Together we will look at practical ways to maintain and increase our resilience against the stressors and strains of daily life and learn how to weather those storms!

Please be aware that due to Waythrough’s funding, priority will be given to learners living in Kirklees. 

Self Esteem and Resilience


For Those That Give Too Much

Brian Jackson House, Huddersfield, New North Parade, Huddersfield, HD1 5JP

Wednesday 4 December 2024 10am – 1pm 1 week –  places available, book now

Are you a giving person? Do you find yourself pouring from an empty cup? Do you sometimes feel resentful of how much you give to others?

In this one-off workshop, delivered by one of our fabulous Peer Workers, Karen we will explore what it means to give and what is considered “too much”.  Together, we will discuss the reasons why we give so much, explore the science behind why it feels so rewarding and learn how to be more aware of the cost to ourselves and our health.

This brand-new session will help us become more aware of how much we give, learn how to set limits and be more effective ‘givers’ enabling us to enhance our own sense of wellbeing.

For Those That Give Too Much


Recovery & Wellbeing College – How to book your place

If you are already enrolled with the college, please email us to request a place on your chosen course(s) at:  ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk  or call us on: 07717 867911 or you can use your learner portal to express your interest.

Please wait for confirmation that you are booked onto a course before attending.

If you are new to the College please enrol here.


Other Community Offers

Mental health – carers group – Laura Mitchell Health and Wellbeing Centre

Third Tuesday of every month, 6 – 8pm – (meet in rear car park)

Come along to this carers group to share your experiences and views, get support, and learn about medication and mental health. Meet new people, see how we can help you and find out more about our services.

There are two remaining carers groups this year:

Tuesday 19th November; 17th December

Next year’s dates are:

Tuesday 21st January; 18th February; 18th March; 15th April; 20th May; 17th June; 15th July; 19th August; 16th September; 21st October; 18th November; 16th December

For more information or to be added to the mailing list, email dalescarergroup@swyt.nhs.uk


Skills Connect Care with Confidence Courses, delivered by Octavia Learning

The Care with Confidence course is a two-day mentoring and coaching course for staff or volunteers in the health and social care/voluntary sectors who have buddying/supervising/managing responsibilities as part of their role.

Calderdale dates for this course:

Wednesday 20th Nov (10am-3pm both days)

To be eligible for this FREE training, you are required to be at least 19 years old, have a West Yorkshire residential address, have the Right to Work in the UK, and have not attended a Skills Connect funded course previously. You also need to be available for both dates.

Please see the sheets linked below for more information but if you have any questions, please contact Lucy Gray lucy@octavialearning.co.uk

Calderdale Care with Confidence flyer (PDF, 298 KB)


S2R Support to Recovery – promoting positive mental health

S2R Support to Recovery is an independent mental health and wellbeing charity, providing support across Kirklees through a range of social wellness opportunities, nature based and creative activities.

They offer a wide range of opportunities for people to get creative, learn new skills, improve their wellbeing and discover the great outdoors. Their workshops and courses include aromatherapy, gardening, sewing, physical and mental health, wellbeing and outdoor activities, all delivered in safe and friendly environments. Take a look at their What’s On page to find out about all of their upcoming workshops and to view or download the latest edition of their monthly activities schedule.

To book your place on an S2R session, call 07933 358800 or email contact@s2r.org.uk

The S2R website includes Dewsbury walking guides, Wellbeing Packs and Creative Minds Activity Packs

S2R website


Chess and Board Games Club at Mirfield Library

Mirfield Library, Eastthorpe Lodge, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield WF14 8AN

Free drop in session every Monday –  10:00 am – 12:30 pm .  Chess and board games of 2 players and more.

Tel: 01484 414868


Kirklees Libraries | Huddersfield | Facebook


Mirfield Library Bookworms – Every 2nd Wednesday of the month

Mirfield Library, Eastthorpe Lodge, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield WF14 8AN

Mirfield Library Bookworms are a book group that discusses a book supplied by Kirklees Libraries and often requested by members of the group on a monthly basis

Tel: 01484 414868


Kirklees Libraries | Huddersfield | Facebook


Creative writing and book clubs – Kirklees Libraries – various locations, days, dates, times

Browse full list activities, locations and dates here

Book folding at Birstall Library: fortnightly on a Thursday, 1.30 – 3pm

Spoken Word Group at Mirfield Library: members meet at Mirfield Library on the last Wednesday of every month from 2 – 3pm


Coffee and Words at Holmfirth Library

Every Monday 1.30 – 3pm Holmfirth Library, 37 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth HD9 3JH

Tel: 01484 414868


Coffee and Words is a group where residents from different walks of life meet to converse over a brew and biscuits at Holmfirth Library.

You can browse a full list of Kirklees Libraries events at this link Kirklees Libraries


Elland Family Creativity Day (Northern Broadsides)

Saturday 9 November 10.30am – 3.30pm Elland Community Hub Huddersfield Rd Elland HX5 9DL 

Elland Family Creativity Day

River Heroes

Discover the River Calder through family art and storytelling activities focused on taking care of our river.

10:30am – Doors open
11am – 12.30pm – Draw along workshop with The Iron Man Illustrator, Chris Mould
1pm – 2.30pm Storytelling and acting workshop
3.30pm – Ends

There will be drop-in craft activities available throughout the day. Feel free to drop in or stay all day!

For families and children aged 3-11.


No need to book – drop in or stay all day!

19th Light Brigade Festival of Remembrance- Friday 8th November

Huddersfield Town Hall, Corporation St, Huddersfield HD1 2TA

Fri 8th November 2024. Starts 7.15pm Free event

Book tickets | Kirklees Council

The Massed Military Bands, Pipes and Bugles of 19th Light Brigade present a Festival of Remembrance.


Free Sensory Art Workshops

Piazza Shopping Centre Princess Street Huddersfield HD1 2RS

Sat 9. Nov 2024 at 10am – 4pm
Sat 16. Nov 2024 at 9am – 4pm
Sat 23. Nov 2024 at 10am – 4pm

Facebook page

LAB Taster Workshop 15th November – Proper Job Theatre Company

Proper Job Theatre Company Ltd, Byram Arcade, Westgate, Huddersfield HD1 1ND

Proper Job runs taster workshops every other Friday in Huddersfield, giving you the chance to see their space, meet the team, and try out some activities before you commit to a full course. Their Taster Sessions are designed to give you a flavour of their way of working. As a theatre company, they believe strongly in the power of creativity to nurture wellbeing and build confidence. They work with a method called applied theatre – which means taking some techniques from the world of theatre and performance, and applying these to everyday life. It’s not about getting you up singing and dancing – but there will be a lot of games and activities that will help you step out of your comfort zone and try something new!


Proper Job Theatre Company Home Page

Facebook page

Tel: 01484 514 687 / 07716 639494

Cost of Living Information:

Click the link below to find links to websites and workbooks that can provide help and advice with money, debt and the cost of living.


Cost of Living Information – Calderdale and Kirklees

Follow us on our socials here:



We hope you have a great weekend

The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team


 07717 867911

Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery and Wellbeing College

Ravensleigh Resource Unit
28 Oxford Road
WF13 4LL

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