Weekly Update

Welcome to the weekly update. Do you live in Calderdale? Need to get out more into the fresh air? Officially is it now spring so why not book onto one of our taster sessions with Grow Well!
Did you know? You can come to the college with a friend, family member or even a support worker? We simply ask that they enrol and book onto the course the same as you!
Living in uncertain times. Many of us are feeling anxious, even frightened by the events happening in Ukraine. This is a normal response and one shared with others. For some advice on how to cope and feel better please have a look here:
5 steps to mental wellbeing – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Please got to our useful contacts page for more help and support
C & K Recovery and Wellbeing College courses
Click below to have a browse at our full collection of courses. Places are filling up fast so please book on ASAP:
Courses starting soon…
Grow Well Taster Sessions at the Outback Garden
Thursday 24th and 31st of March from 1.30-4.30pm
Come along to one of our introductory sessions to find out more about the therapeutic benefits of gardening. We are a friendly and relaxed bunch of people who share a love for nature, gardens, and gardening. This is a therapeutic gardening program designed to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing. Enabling you to learn new skills, develop confidence, and enhance social connection through gardening activities and growing fresh food. Planting, nurturing, and harvesting our own food can give us a fantastic sense of achievement and gardening is also great for our physical health.
Grow Well Taster Sessions
Grow Well-Gardening for Wellbeing 5 Week Course
Wednesday 23rd March 10.00am-1.00pm (5 weeks – last session 20th April)
Our partners Halifax Opportunities Trust are offering a free five week Grow Well-Gardening for Wellbeing course at the Outback Garden, Halifax. Grow Well sessions will provide the opportunity to be outdoors, connect with nature, learn new gardening skills, build confidence and meet new people in a beautiful and peaceful community garden. Facilitated by Louise from Serenity Wellbeing Gardens, everyone will be made to feel welcome, comfortable and at ease. The Outback is a safe, accessible, relaxed and understanding space to enjoy spending time in.
Grow Well-Gardening for Wellbeing
Being Heard: a course for carers
Wednesday 23rd March 10am-12.30pm (1 week)
Having a caring role for a family member or friend with a mental health condition can be really tough. You may not know what help to ask for, how to ask or who to ask. This short course will help you get your voice heard when you care for someone, learning how to have your own needs listened to as well as speaking up for the person you care for.
With input from a carer with real life experience, an expert in carer advocacy and representation from the local authority and mental health trust, come along for information on Carers’ rights, speaking up and looking after your own wellbeing.
Being Heard: a course for carers
African Drumming
Friday 25th March & 1st April 11.00am-12.30pm (2 weeks)
The benefits of djembe drumming in a group is widely recognised. This can prove to be a joyful and therapeutic experience bringing a sense of belonging and harmony to all involved. This fun one-off workshop is a great introduction to African drumming and provides the opportunity to play some simple beats and rhythms in a supportive space. All abilities welcome including beginners. Instruments are provided.
This is open to learners from Calderdale and Kirklees
Go Fish! (Magdale Dam)
Friday 25th March 12.30pm-3pm (8 weeks finishing on 13th May)
Fishing is a fun, social and inclusive activity that has proven health benefits. This free 8-week angling course gives learners the opportunity to escape the daily demands of life by being in nature, away from the world of technology and the opportunity to learn a new skill. Participants will discover the techniques and equipment most commonly used in the pursuit of freshwater fish. Delivered by a social enterprise that specialises in outdoor activities, Eden Forest CIC will introduce you to a sport that may transform your life! At the very least it will provide you with the chance to have a laugh, create memories, make new friends, and maybe, just maybe catch a few fish! This course is suitable for beginners and is delivered by qualified, licensed, experienced coaches and all equipment is provided. Book now to avoid disappointment!
This is open to learners from Kirklees and Calderdale
Speak Their Name Project Memorial Quilt (for family and friends bereaved by suicide)
Monday 4 April 10.30-11.30am (1 week)
Come and join us for an online 1 hour introduction session. The Yorkshire Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt Project has been founded by people with a lived experience of bereavement by suicide and supports others bereaved in the same way. The project has been inspired by the Speak Their Name Greater Manchester (GM) Suicide Memorial Quilt 2020. Please have a look at this short and inspiring film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eNCSZ-9kzs
The project vision is to create a Yorkshire Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt that will create a lasting beautiful memory of loved ones who have died to suicide.
Speak Their Name – online introduction session
If you would like this project and want to get involved you can book onto both or either session at:
Mirfield or Halifax on the 25th and 28th April. Click below for details:
Speak Their Name – in person session – Calderdale and Kirklees
For more information the project email: yorkshirespeaktheirname@gmail.com
Follow on Twitter @Yorkshire_STN and we have a closed Facebook group ‘Yorkshire Speak Their Name Quilt Group’
To book a place on a course or to find out more please contact us or visit:
Free climbing courses from our partner ROKT…
Our partners, ROKT Climbing Gym, are launching more free climbing courses for our Calderdale and Kirklees Learners. Don’t be put off if you have never been climbing before as ROKT climbing courses are suited to beginners. You will have a trained and experienced instructor with you to make sure you are safe and you’ll be part of a group.
In addition to bouldering and climbing, you will also get the chance to try yoga and mindfulness and challenge your mental agility and problem solving skills in one of the ROKT ‘Escape Rooms’.
Did you know climbing is good for your mental and physical health and it is fun as well!
Tuesday Evening 6pm-7.30pm OR Wednesday Evening 6:30pm-8pm
To register your interest please see the details on our website:
ROKT Climbing – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)
Covid restrictions
If you attend a face to face course inside a building you will need to wear a face mask provided by us, have your temperature checked and where possible do a lateral flow test before attending. We always will give you a warm welcome even if you can’t see our welcoming smiles!
You can find out about the latest changes by reading the Principals letter here
Other initiatives from local organisations:
What’s on with S2R / Create Space:
S2R Huddersfield area:
What’s coming up in March…
We’ve got lots of face-to-face sessions planned for March, including the return of our Cemetery Road Community Allotment group, some brand-new women-only Introduction to Yoga sessions at St Andrew’s Community Hall in Batley, and some new Café Connections at Hive Community Café in Huddersfield. We will also be running a variety of crafty and creative sessions at our Create Space building on Brook Street in Huddersfield town centre, including a variety of different Aromatherapy workshops, some Bee Happy sessions where you can learn all about the basics of beekeeping, and a Coffee Morning in celebration of International Women’s Day.
Download March S2R Schedule
S2R Dewsbury area / Your Health in Mind
What’s coming up in March…
The brand new March Schedule is here! So if you’d like to join in with some FREE outdoors sessions, get involved in local community projects or take part in some crafting sessions and creative workshops then take a look at the March 2022 Dewsbury: Your Health in Mind Schedule.
This month we’ll be running more Mindful Social Stitching sessions at Boothroyd Academy, and some Café Connections afternoons at Cloggs Coffee shop in Dewsbury. If you fancy getting outside for a breath of fresh air, then come along to our women-only Friday Wanderers sessions and have a gentle stroll around Crow Nest Park. Or why not come and take part in some craft activities that are for all ages at the Lees Holm Spring Crafts Day on Monday 14th March from 12 – 2.30pm.
Download March YHiM Schedule
You MUST book before attending any of these sessions.
To book an S2R session, call 07933 358800. To book a Dewsbury YHiM session, call 07895 510433.
Or email: contact@s2r.org.uk.
New Courses, New You!
Want to learn something new or boost your skills in 2022? Calderdale Adult Learning has a great range of courses starting between January and March, from English, Maths and ESOL to 3D sculpture and yoga.
Maths and English courses are free and they’re currently offering 50% off all other courses. Visit the website for more details. https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/education-and-learning/adult-learning/
Free Drumming for Wellbeing Courses funded by Central England Co-operative.
Holmfirth – Wednesdays 10-11.30am
23rd & 30th March
Denby Dale – Thursdays 10-11.30am
24th & 31st March
Did you know that group drumming reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and boosts fitness?
These two hands-on courses teach participants the benefits of playing percussion together. Learn to play the different percussion instruments as a group supported by members of the Samba Band. This friendly class is run by professional Community Percussionist Katie Mallard. Suitable for all adults.
Visit: www.rhythmstick.co.uk/book-a-course or contact Katie 07736 049089 www.facebook.com/valleybeatsdrumming
Free online courses from WEA
Making Crotchet Jewellery: Tuesday 26 April, 2.15pm – 4.15pm for four weeks. In this online course students will make some beautiful
crochet jewellery, learning a few techniques to create earrings, necklaces and bracelets using fine thread and hooks, add beads and create some unique and very wearable jewellery. Course reference: C3679858
To enrol please quote the correct course reference, either online at enrolonline.wea.org.uk or by ringing 0300 303 3464.
PeerTalk invite you to join us for our Annual Online Event on Wed 24th March, 2 – 3pm with keynote speaker Dr Lucy Johnstone, who will explore the challenges of support for mental health. We are delighted that she will be joined by Dr Jaqui Dillon, renowned activist, writer and speaker on trauma, abuse and psychosis. Not to be missed and of relevance to anyone involved or interested in the field of mental health.
To book your ticket, and further information, visit
Join us on Facebook and Instagram:
C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook
Stay safe and reach out!
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
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Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. You will have to be quick to book on to the last few spaces of courses starting next week! We have fishing, drumming and a...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have lots of new courses on offer this week – so have a browse below and book on! If you live in Calderdale we...