Weekly Update

Welcome to a bumper edition of the weekly update. We have a number courses now on offer with spaces available (see below).
Next week is Mental Health Awareness week from the 15th-21st May. This years theme is anxiety.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can face. Six in ten adults have anxiety that stops them doing things they want to do at least some of the time.
On a positive note, anxiety can be made easier to manage. Click to link to find out more.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 | Mental Health Foundation
Healthy Minds’ in Calderdale will be taking over The Piece Hall courtyard with a pop-up garden and free Healthy Minds taster sessions throughout the week, including performances by The Peace Artistes.
You can find more information about plans for the week on their website here: https://www.healthymindscalderdale.co.uk/mental-health-awareness-week
We are recruiting!
We need you! Come and work for us as a Peer Project Worker
We are looking for people with a lived experience of mental health to come and facilitate courses in our college on a sessional basis.
We will be advertising these posts in June. To find out more please book onto one of our find out what it is about online sessions on:
Tuesday 6th June 9.30-10.30am
Thursday 8th June 9.00-10.00am
please email us to book on: ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk
New College Database – making good progress
We have upgraded to a new version of our database a few weeks ago. As expected we have had a few bugs and glitches.
Thank you for your patience and everyone who has been in contact to tell us about any issues. We are very sorry to everyone who got numerous course reminders!
The good news is that this is fixed and we have made progress in resolving issues.
Please continue to report any problems you may experience.
Thank you.
Recovery & Wellbeing College Courses
Brand New…
Mindful Eating-Eating for Wellbeing
Outback Community Garden, Lightowler Road, HX1 5NB
Thursday 8th June 10.00am-12.00pm (1 week)
This friendly and relaxed taster session workshop will explore the links between food and mood and provide practical hints and tips about how you can eat well to feel well. It will be held in the relaxing Outback Garden, we hope that you can join in.
Mindful Eating-Eating for Wellbeing
Last Chance…
Mission to Mend: Brilliant Buttons
Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Monday 15th Nay 1-3pm (1 week)
Join us for this creative workshop, where you will learn some basic sewing techniques to enable you to make simple repairs or change the look of your textiles and garments. Buttons are a common fault with clothing but are a very easy repair to make when you know how! So, whether you wish to make some environmentally friendly, cost-effective repairs or whether you want to replace a full set of buttons to give your garments a whole new look then this upcycling fashion workshop is for you! All fabric and sewing materials are provided.
Mission to Mend: Brilliant Buttons
Online Introduction to the Recovery College – for Professionals
Tuesday 23rd May 1-2pm
Are you a Social Prescriber? Do you work in a health or social care setting? Do you provide support to someone living with mental health issues? If so, this informal introductory session will provide you with useful information about the Recovery & Wellbeing College and how it can help the people you work with. You will hear first hand, from some of our wonderful volunteers how attending the Recovery & Wellbeing College has positively impacted on their lives. So join us and discover how to help others to live life well.
Online Introduction to the Recovery College – for Professionals
Art in the landscape: Leaf Tornado! (Felt-making workshop)
Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Monday 22nd May 2023 10.30am – 12.30pm (1 week)
Join us for this creative workshop and learn the ancient art of felt making. Come along and have a go, and be involved in a collaborative art installation for Art in the Landscape, part of Holmfirth Arts Festival, where our work will be displayed in a Community Garden.
In just a few hours, with an explosion of colour and fun, we will create hand felted leaves that will become a Leaf Tornado, picking up on the theme of this year’s Holmfirth Arts Festival, ‘Forces of Nature’. Our Leaf Tornado will be a symbol of our ever-changing emotions, and the whirlwind and chaos that can sometimes accompany them, whilst also representing the changing seasons as a symbol of renewal, hope, movement, strength, and clearing the debris to start afresh and revitalised!
Our finished leaves will be attached to a metal frame and displayed at New Mill Community Garden during Holmfirth Arts Festival, and then returned to the Recovery & Wellbeing College afterwards.
Art in the landscape: Leaf Tornado (Felt-making)
Mission to Mend: Hand Sewing Hems
Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Wednesday 24th May 10am-12pm
This workshop is part of our upcycling fashion series and is a fantastic opportunity to learn, alongside other beginners, an invisible hand sewing technique. This particular technique is often used when taking up or repairing dropped hems on garments – a very useful skill, we’re sure you’d agree! No previous experience is necessary and all fabric and sewing materials are provided.
Mission to Mend: Hand Sewing Hems
Write Time for Wellbeing taster
Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Monday 12th June 2023 10.30am – 12.30pm (1 week)
Come and join us for this one-off taster session which offers you a chance to try some of the techniques we use in our popular Write Time for Wellbeing course.
During the session we will be involved in a type of mindfulness, using writing to provide the space and time to reflect on our thoughts and feelings in the here and now. This can help boost mood, raise self-awareness and create feelings of calm and contentment, and provide tools we can use to cope better with the stresses and challenges we face in life. A longer Write Time for Wellbeing course is planned for the autumn, watch out for the dates if you enjoy this taster workshop!
Write Time for Wellbeing taster
Go Fish! (Beginners Course)
Magdale Dam, Honley, Huddersfield
Sunday 4th June 10am-1pm (8weeks)
Fishing is a fun, social and inclusive activity that has proven health benefits. This free 8-week angling course gives learners the opportunity to escape the daily demands of life by being in nature, away from the world of technology and the chance to learn a new skill. Learners will discover the equipment and techniques most commonly used in the pursuit of freshwater fish. Delivered by a social enterprise that specialises in outdoor activities, Eden Forest CIC will introduce you to a sport that may transform your life! At the very least it will provide you with the chance to have a laugh, create memories, make new friends, and maybe, just maybe catch a few fish! This course is suitable for beginners and is delivered by qualified, licensed, experienced coaches and all equipment is provided.
You can see a full list of our upcoming courses by clicking here:
If you are already enrolled with the College, then please get in touch via email or telephone to book on your chosen course or workshop.
There is no need to enrol again.
Email: ckrecovery.wellbeing@swyt.nhs.uk or Telephone: 07717 867911
If you are new to the College please enrol here
Please remember to stay at home if you are unwell or have symptoms of covid!
We will be able to help you remain safe if you are worried about getting infected by covid when you attend.
Courses and other stuff from community organisations:
WOVEN – Growing Colour Together:
This Kirklees project aims to involve local people in creating a district-wide, natural-dye, colour garden. Get involved and ‘have a grow,’ at any of these free events and workshops:
Hapa Zome Workshop (leaf printing)
15th May 3-5pm Kirkburton
Hapa Zome is an ancient Japanese art form, based on leaf printing. This practical session will include a short grounding / breathing exercise, mindful walk around the green space, collecting materials for the activity. We will use natural materials to create textile prints and painting samples using the Hapa Zome technique. This session is suitable for adults with a particular focus on inviting women and girls in the community to take part. More info and free tickets are available on Eventbrite:
Dewsbury Town Centre Planting Workshop
2nd June 10am-12pm Huddersfield
We will be meeting outside Greggs on Foundry street in Dewsbury and will be working directly into the planters there, turning them into small dye gardens. Come and help us transform the empty planters! We will use a range of plants and learn about their colour properties, take away a free growing pack and some seeds so can continue planting beyond the workshop! This session is suitable for adults with a particular focus on inviting women and girls in the community to take part and explore the wellbeing benefits of gardening and textiles. More info and free tickets are available on Eventbrite:
Eventbrite -town-centre-planting-workshop
Foraging Walk for Natural Dyes
24th June 10am-12pm Huddersfield
The exact starting point of this Huddersfield based session will be confirmed closer to the time, however good walking shoes are recommended as you may wander off the beaten track. As part of this guided walk, you can expect an educational journey, stopping along the way to learn, share and forage. More info and free tickets are available on Eventbrite:
Eventbrite- foraging-walk-for-natural-dyes
For more information about the Growing Colour Together project and a full list of events:
Email: woven@hatchprojects.org.uk
Kirklees Well-Bean Café Service Update
The Well-Bean Café provides a safe and confidential out of hours service for people in crisis in Kirklees. From Monday 1st May, the current Dewsbury building is no longer available.
This means that the Kirklees Well-Bean Café will be operating 7 nights a week from our Huddersfield site, which is at Union Bank, Union Bank Yd, New St, Huddersfield, HD1 2BP.
Support may be available for travel to and from the café, please discuss this when making contact.
The café is open to visitors who are:
- Aged 18 years and over
- Experiencing crisis
- Requiring emotional support
Request support from the café by calling 07741 900 395 from 6pm seven days a week.
S2R: Your Health in Mind Dewsbury
Your Health in Mind is a project run by S2R, offering wellbeing activities and drop-ins to help you build social connections and confidence, taking place at different venues in Dewsbury.
This month, they’ve got drop-in sessions taking place at:
- Thornhill Lees Community Centre on Thursday 16th, 23rd and 30th May from 10am – 1pm.
For more information email contact@s2r.org.uk
Upcoming courses from Richmond Fellowship:
18th May 1-3pm (2 weeks)
will show how food can affect our mental wellbeing in a positive and negative way and general tips on what to eat to improve your mental health.
29th May 1-3pm (2 weeks)
will offer practical advice and tips on how to make large savings on your food shop and how to make sure that your household bills don’t cost a fortune .
To find out more or to book, please contact Karl Jackson-Lander:
phone: 07909 993203 or email: Karl.Jackson-Lander@richmondfellowship.org.uk
Home – Kirklees Employment Service
Speak Their Name – Kirklees Suicide and Bereavement Memorial Quilt Roadshow:
The Kirklees Suicide Memorial and Bereavement Quilt Roadshow is a travelling exhibition of memorial quilts made by family members and friends of those who have either died by suicide or due to other reasons. Each quilt is a unique and personal tribute, filled with memories and messages of love and hope. The roadshow aims to bring together people in Kirklees to share lived experiences, help reduce the stigma, encourage conversations and reduce isolation of those bereaved. It will be making stops at several venues in Kirklees, where you can drop-in for free, view the quilts and meet others affected by bereavement.
Ravensthorpe Community Centre, 24 Garden Street, Ravensthorpe
- 10 June 11am – 2.30pm
- 11 June 11am – 4pm
- 12 June 10.30am – 4pm
Brian Jackson House, 2 New North Parade, Huddersfield
- 13 June 10.30am – 3pm
- 14 June 11am – 3pm
- 15 June 11am – 3pm
St James Church, St James Way, Rawthorpe, Huddersfield
- 18 June 10am – 5pm
Al-Hikmah Centre, 28 Track Road, Batley
- 19 June 10am – 6pm
- 20 June 9am – 4.30pm
Huddersfield Sikh Temple, Prospect Street, Springwood, Huddersfield
- 25 June 11am – 5pm
Meltham Carlile Institute, Huddersfield Road, Meltham
- 26 June 10am – 5pm
Trinity Methodist Church, Community Rooms, Trinity Street, Mirfield
- 27 June 12pm – 5pm
Jamia Masjid Ghausia Mosque, 73 Victoria Road, Lockwood, Huddersfield
- 5 July 10am – 4.30pm
Dewsbury Library, Railway Street, Dewsbury
- 6 July 10am – 7.30pm
- 7 July 9.30am – 5pm
For more information: Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt Roadshow Tour Kirklees, Brian Jackson House, Huddersfield, June 13 2023 | AllEvents.in
Community Conversations. Help prevent deaths by suicide
Leeds Mind are wanting to find out more about people’s experience of asking for help with their mental health
What worked for you? What didn’t? Was anything missing?
Answers will be anonymised and conversations will go into a report that will make recommendations for changes in care, to prevent death by suicide.
Conversations are 1 to 1 or in a group, hosted by volunteers.
Want to get involved?
Contact Arlie for more information on 07976921776 or arlie.haslam@leedsmind.org.uk
Cost of Living information:
Mental health awareness week – 15th – 21st May
Mind has new resources to help you cope with the cost of living crisis as part of mental health awareness week.
“Having so much to deal with can affect your mental health. Mind can’t fix the cost of living crisis, but we can help
you feel more able to cope. If this speaks to you, speak to us.”
Visit: mind.org.uk/cost-of-living
Food & Household Budgeting
Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Tuesday 6th June 1-3pm (2 weeks)
Delivered by the ever lovely, Karl from The Richmond Fellowship, this brand new, two-week course looks at how we can make the most out of our money when doing our food shopping. We will also learn ways to make our household budget go further. During this friendly and informative session, we will share hints and tips to save energy and discover organisations who can provide support to anyone struggling with money issues.
Please note that due to funding this course is only available to learners from Kirklees
Food & Household Budgeting
Together We Can
For tips advice and information on health and cost of living services click this one link:
The Bread and Butter Thing
The Bread-and-Butter Thing is a charity which is distributing surplus food from shops, supermarkets and farms to people who need it. They cover several areas of Kirklees including Rawthorpe, Dalton, Deighton, Batley and Chickenley, providing weekly food bags at a fraction of the cost of buying them from the supermarket. Click the link below for more information.
For information, support and advice on how to beat the cost of living go to your local council pages here:
Money and Wellbeing in Calderdale | Calderdale Council
Cost of living | Kirklees Council
Join us on Facebook and Instagram here:
Have a great weekend
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
07717 867911
More news articles

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update as we draw to a close of Mental Health Awareness week. It has been great to listen to the radio and hear so much discussion...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Lots in this week’s update including information about how you might work for us! Read on for more course and community offers! In case...