Weekly Update

Welcome to the weekly update. With offers from our friends in the community of kayaking, cycling, singing, and art courses! Read on to see what is happening and how you can improve your wellbeing and health.
C & K Recovery and Wellbeing College courses
Click below to have a browse at our full collection of courses:
Last chance for Mindfulness – 8 week course
Tuesday 26th April 11am-12pm (8 weeks finishing on 14th June)
Mindfulness is a life skill we can all learn. It involves the ability to become aware of what is happening in the present moment, rather than being on automatic pilot, without worrying or judging. Being mindful provides us with the opportunity to respond to difficult events and situations in new ways. This 8 week online course using MS Teams, looks at the origins of mindfulness, core practices and its potential to be used to combat stress. Together, we will explore the various tools and techniques used, to gain a better understanding of mindfulness and its purpose.
Mindfulness – 8 week course – online MST
Steps to Success – face to face
Tuesday 3rd May 1-3.30pm (8 Weeks)
Back by popular demand! This inspiring eight week course delivered by Kirklees Success Centre introduces us to different strategies we can use to help develop our self-esteem, motivation and plans for the future. It also looks at ways that we can make changes to our lives, if we so wish, either now or in the weeks, months or years ahead. This course will help build confidence and teach us how to set realistic goals and empower us to take control of our futures in a positive and enlightening way.
Steps to Success – face to face Kirklees
Understanding Anxiety
Thursday 12th May 12.30-2.30pm (1 week)
This learning seminar aims to help you understand anxiety, how it affects you and how you can start to take control of it. Designed by colleagues from Kirklees Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service alongside a Recovery College volunteer with lived experience of anxiety, the workshop provides tips and techniques for coping with anxiety, challenging anxious thoughts and reducing worry. It will be facilitated by two friendly psychological wellbeing practitioners.
Understanding Anxiety – online MST
Peer Mentoring for Health & Wellbeing
Monday 16th May 10am-1pm (7 weeks with a 1 week break finishing on 4th July)
Peer Mentoring usually takes place between a person that has been through a specific experience (Peer Mentor) who guides another person through a relatable situation (Peer Mentee) such as living with mental health issues or recovering from addictions. Delivered by Kirklees Success Centre, this free face to face course is for anyone who wants to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence to support others through mentoring. It is suitable for volunteers and others who would like to learn coaching techniques and how to support others using their own experience.
This is only available to Kirklees residents only
Peer Mentoring for Health & Wellbeing – face to face
Kayaking Taster Sessions
Thursday 19 May 10.45am-13.30pm – (1 week)
Thursday 9 June10.45am-13.30pm – (1 week)
Our partners Blackdog Outdoors are running Kayaking Taster Sessions on the Calder & Hebble Navigation Canal.
During the taster session you will be introduced to Kayaking, and you will learn some basic paddling skills from a fully qualified instructor. You will then take a leisurely paddle down the canal, with the rest of the group and the instructors. This stretch of the canal is beautiful, passing through open countryside and parts of our industrial heritage, with regular sightings of moor hens, swans, geese, and other wildlife. These sessions are a great opportunity to try something new, see some interesting sights and have some fun!
The sessions are suitable for all fitness levels and abilities. All kit will be provided, and we will be wearing buoyancy aids when on the water.
Kayaking Taster Sessions – Calderdale
Exploring Nature’s Lost Words
Tuesday 10th May 10.30am-12.30pm (3 weeks – finishing 24th May)
Join Leah & Alma at Mirfield library for three uplifting sessions exploring words, nature, stories and creativity. We will be using the book The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane & Jackie Morris as our theme, an award-winning book of stunning illustrations and haunting poems that celebrate words from nature that have disappeared from children’s lives: heron, ivy, dandelion, wren… Delivered in a fun, gentle session. We’ll be exploring nature locally, playing games and creating art. The final session will be supported by poet Emma Decent who will help us create our own short poems.
Exploring Nature’s Lost Words – face to face
To book a place on a course or to find out more please contact us or visit:
Covid restrictions
If you attend a face to face course inside a building you will need to wear a face mask provided by us, have your temperature checked and where possible do a lateral flow test before attending. We always will give you a warm welcome even if you can’t see our welcoming smiles!
You can find out about the latest changes by reading the Principals letter here
Free climbing courses from our partner ROKT…
Our partners, ROKT Climbing Gym, are launching more free climbing courses for our Calderdale and Kirklees Learners. Don’t be put off if you have never been climbing before as ROKT climbing courses are suited to beginners. You will have a trained and experienced instructor with you to make sure you are safe and you’ll be part of a group.
In addition to bouldering and climbing, you will also get the chance to try yoga and mindfulness and challenge your mental agility and problem solving skills in one of the ROKT ‘Escape Rooms’.
Did you know climbing is good for your mental and physical health and it is fun as well!
Tuesday Evening 6pm-7.30pm OR Wednesday Evening 6:30pm-8pm
To register your interest please see the details on our website:
ROKT Climbing – Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College (calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk)
Other initiatives from local organisations:
A Celebration of Wellbeing and Mental Health
Wednesday 11th May (during Mental Health Awareness Week) 10am-2.30pm at Halifax Minster
FREE Vegetarian Lunch
Workshops and Drama Presentation
The conference is open to everyone, especially the faith communities and mental health agencies.
Key note speakers Jim McManus Director of Public Health Hertfordshire & Jonny Richardson Glenn CEO Healthy Minds Calderdale
Register for FREE at www.halifaxminster.org.uk/eventbrite
Singing sessions at hoot creative arts…
…are all about meeting with a group of like-minded people who want to sing for fun, and for their wellbeing. hoot’s free singing groups are available in Huddersfield and Dewsbury as part of a programme of creative activities for Kirklees residents to help look after their mental health and wellbeing. Guided by a friendly and experienced singing artist; there is absolutely no need to have any singing experience, no solo singing, and no need to read music as all songs are taught by ear.
Singing in Dewsbury with hoot: Thursday afternoon from 2pm – 4pm at Oak Tree Studios, Reman House, South Street Dewsbury WF13 1JS.
Spaces are available and you can sign up to join online via hoot’s website https://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/activities/singing-dewsbury or by calling 01484 516224 for more information.
Dewsbury: Your Health in Mind
The Dewsbury: Your Health in Mind project is here to reinvigorate you and your community by helping you to access and enjoy the amazing, green open spaces in your area and introducing you to a range of activities that will boost your physical, emotional and social wellbeing.
This month we’ll be starting some brand-new Thornhill Lees Crochet Sessions on Tuesdays from 11am to 1pm, and continuing our Café Connections afternoons at Cloggs Coffee shop in Dewsbury. If you fancy getting outside for a breath of fresh air, then come along to our women-only Friday Wanderers sessions and have a gentle stroll around Crow Nest Park. Or why not come and take part in some craft activities for all ages at the Lees Holm Park Family Spring Event on Monday 11th April from 11am – 1pm.
Download the April schedule here
Take a look at what’s happening in April and book yourselves onto any Dewsbury YHiM sessions by calling 07895 510 433
or emailing contact@s2r.org.uk
Digital Confidence Building for Work & Everyday Life (free)
Friday 6th May – 22nd July 9.15-11.15am online
This course will help to build your digital knowledge and capability. Empowering yourself with the knowledge will enable you to be more efficient with daily digital expectations both at work and at home. If you want to become more empowered in your use of digital technology this is the course for you!
Course code: C3680696
or call 0300 303 3464
Richmond fellowship online workshops:
Open to everyone aged 18 or over who lives in Kirklees and experiences mental health issues, problems or concerns.
COPING WITH COVID – 2 week workshop starting on the 23rd June 1-3pm offers practical advice and tips on ways to maintain mental wellbeing
SELF ESTEEM AND RESILIENCE – 2 week workshop that starts on the 4th April between 1-3pm will show how to improve and maintain healthy levels of self worth and resilience to bounce back from life’s difficulties.
ASSERTIVENESS AND COMMUNICATION – 2 workshops that start on the 28th April 1-3pm will explore assertiveness skills and developing better communication skills.
For more information or to book a place please contact:
Karl Jackson-Lander: 07909 993203
email: Karl.Jackson-Lander@richmondfellowship.org.uk
Men’s Talk Digital would like to invite you to help us celebrate 12 months of film making!
Men’s Talk is CLEAR’s creative advocacy project for men – using theatre and film making to reduce stigma around mental health and encourage men’s talk. The men will be hosting a “Showreel” event where they will share some of the films they have made and talk about their journey with Men’s Talk.
Thursday 26th April 2.30pm
Union, 9 Wellington Rd, Dewsbury, WF13 1HF
Union is a 5 minute walk from Dewsbury Railway Station – where there is also car parking. Popcorn supplied!
Art for Wellbeing
If you are creative, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced artist, join Kirklees College in a series of free workshops that will help with your mental health or simply develop your skills. You will be shown a variety of techniques to drawing and painting, print making, glass and textiles. These will help build your repertoire and knowledge of art through practical workshop activities and you’ll get the chance to meet like-minded creatives.
Globe Arts – Slaithwaite (10 weeks) starting 27th May
Pioneer Higher Skills Centre – Dewsbury (7 weeks) starting 29th April
And finally … get on ya bike!
Cycle for health…
… is a 12-week package of support to develop bike riding skills, confidence and fitness through cycle training and led bike rides. Cycle for Health is designed specifically for adults with poor mental or physical health. It is run as a two hour session once a week for 12 weeks. Group size is maximum 12 people and we provide bikes and helmets. Experienced cycle instructors and ride leaders accommodate health issues and participants progress at a pace that suits the group.
Cycle for Health is for people:
• With poor mental or physical health
• Not doing regular exercise
• 18 years or older
• Who can ride a bike for a short distance – even if that hasn’t been for many years
Start Date: Tuesday 10th May 1-3pm
Venue: Princess Mary Stadium, 124 Bradford Rd, Liversedge WF15 6LW
Start Date: Saturday 21st May 2-4pm
Venue: Springs Hall Athletics Track, 2 Huddersfield Road, Halifax, HX3 0AA
Contact the project team at Cycling UK for more information Tel: 01483 904562
Email: cycleforhealth@cyclinguk.org
Email to enrol: zoe.westerman@cyclinguk.org
Join us on Facebook and Instagram:
C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook
Stay safe and reach out
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
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