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Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. “I arrived at the Recovery and Wellbeing College emotional, bewildered and lost. Unable to find direction after suffering the loss of my...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We are fast approaching the end of this academic year. Currently we are planning for what will prove to be an exciting year ahead. We...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Ever thought why our College is called the “Recovery” and Wellbeing College? Often we think of “recovery” as returning to a normal state of health,...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. This week the NHS turned 75 years old. Did you know our College is run and supported by the NHS? We often think about the...
Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. It is great to make connections with people and we love it when those connections blossom into friendships and life opportunities. Do...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update where you can find out about upcoming courses at the College, as well as what’s available from other services in the community. We’ve noticed that...
Weekly Update
We hope you’ve been staying cool in the heat this week! Welcome to the weekly update where you can find out about upcoming courses at the College, as well as...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update with lots of information on available courses and community offers. It is great to see you book onto our courses. Many of which are now...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Summer is just around the corner, and we’re celebrating with a new seasonal theme: Time to Shine! With the lighter evenings and warmer weather (hopefully!), this...
Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. This coming week 1st-7th June is Volunteers Week. As anyone attending our College will know we have plenty of volunteers at our...