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Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. We have a number of new courses below – so please take a look! Our College is designed to help you be...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. With offers from our friends in the community of kayaking, cycling, singing, and art courses! Read on to see what is happening and how you...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We won’t be having an update next week due to the Easter holidays. Please also bear with us over the next couple of weeks as...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update and welcome to our new set of Spring courses – Bloomin’ Well! Here at the RWC we believe that being well is different for each...
Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to keeping connected and the weekly update. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward an hour this Saturday! You might have an hour less in bed but you will...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. You will have to be quick to book on to the last few spaces of courses starting next week! We have fishing, drumming and a...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Do you live in Calderdale? Need to get out more into the fresh air? Officially is it now spring so why not book onto one...
Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have lots of new courses on offer this week – so have a browse below and book on! If you live in Calderdale we...
Weekly update
Welcome to the weekly update. We are as popular as ever with courses booking up fast, so you ll have to be quick to book on. There is some information...
Weekly update
Welcome to the first weekly update of 2022! We hope you have had a good festive break and wish you the very best for the new year. It seems that...