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Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We hope you had a good Easter break whatever you were doing! We have been busy working with our partners to offer you some amazing...

Keeping Connected and the weekly Update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update with brand new courses – see below! We won’t be doing a weekly update next week as it is bank holiday Easter...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update with brand new courses below including Weight off your mind exploring our relationship with food! We would like to wish our learners and volunteers ‘Ramadan...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have the usual round up of information about upcoming courses at the College, cost of living support, and a range of local community initiatives...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update and to the snow! No sooner had we mentioned Spring, then it has snowed. Please remember courses may be cancelled at short notice due to...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update and to Spring! Helping you stay Bloomin’ Well In need of inspiration to help you to live life well this Spring? Then please check out...

Keeping Connected and the weekly update
Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. We have a set of brand new courses to help you transition from the winter into the spring, working with our partners...

Weekly Update
Welcome once again to our weekly update, a round up of information about upcoming courses at the College, cost of living support, and a range of local community initiatives. Your...

Weekly Update
Welcome to our weekly update with the usual information on the cost of living, local community information and our well loved courses. Your Opinion Matters We have been asked by...

Weekly Update
Welcome to a our weekly update with information on courses, cost of living and local community information. Your Opinion Matters – Thank you! We have been asked by our NHS...