Keeping Connected and the weekly update

Welcome to our Keeping Connected newsletter and the weekly update.
Why not book onto some of our amazing courses and harvest your potential as one of learners Jades puts it.
“…. these courses helped me develop new skills, not just for my mental health and wellbeing but for my general learning, including social and communication skills, anxiety management, mindfulness etc. All extremely beneficial throughout life’s ups and downs. Initially I was unsure about learning, however I’m more than happy that I joined that first course. It’s helped me in
more ways than I can say.” Jade
Have a read of what our other leaners say about our courses as well as some top tips on how to save money.
Don’t miss out on the following courses:
A Plan for Living Well
10th October 1030am – 4pm and then 1.30-4pm the following 7 sessions
Come and join us in developing your own wellness plan to get back into the driving seat of your life!
Meet Gary and Jayne who co-facilitate this course having a lived experience of mental health distress. They will explain how their lives have been transformed by using their wellness plans.
Together, we will explore what wellness tools are; what you need to do each day to remain well; how to recognise when you start to become unwell; and how to cope in a crisis and much more.
You need to be able to challenge yourself and work alongside others as well as to commit to attend all 8 sessions. Please be assured we will provide a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space in which to develop your wellness plan.
You wont be able to join the course until you ve spoken to the facilitators. We will give you a call before the course to check the course is right for you!
A Plan for Living Well (wellness planning) – CLEAR
Understanding Dementia
Wednesday 5th October 10am-12pm
Recovery and Wellbeing College – Mirfield Hub
Are you concerned about your memory or that of a loved one? Have you or someone you know been recently diagnosed with Dementia? Do you work or volunteer with people who experience memory issues? If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you would just like to find out more about Dementia then this is the course for you. This one-off workshop delivered by Kirklees Dementia Hub will provide you with information about symptoms, the progression of Dementia, how to access support and be able to answer some of your questions relating to this diagnosis.
Understanding Dementia – in person Mirfield
The M word: Menopause Awareness
Monday 10th October 1.00-3.30pm
This learning seminar will help you develop your knowledge and awareness of the menopause; the symptoms, how it may affect you and, most importantly what you can do to manage it. During this one-off online workshop, delivered by a qualified Health & Wellbeing Practitioner and in partnership with Henpicked, we will discuss the perimenopause, post menopause and everything in between to help you on your own unique journey during this stage of life. Information will also be shared about how and where you can access support. This session is open to people of all genders to enable better understanding of the menopause and how to support those going through it.
The M Word: Menopause Awareness – Online
Overcoming Anxiety
Thursday 13th October 2.00-4.00pm
Do you want to gain an understanding of anxiety and learn how you can overcome it? Then this workshop may be for you. Delivered in partnership with Spirit in Mind, and facilitated by Nirmala from Pastoral and Spiritual Care, it will explore:
• The vicious cycle of anxiety
• How anxiety impacts on life
• How anxiety can be managed
Through this workshop we will explore anxiety with others who are experiencing the same thing, and learn techniques and tips for overcoming our own anxieties.
You can see a full list of our upcoming courses here:
If you are already enrolled with the College then please get in touch via email or telephone to book on your chosen course or workshop. There is no need to enrol again.
Telephone: 07717867911
We are a bit thin on the ground at the moment so please bear with us if you don’t get an immediate response please leave a message.
If you are new to the College please enrol here
Our covid rules have been relaxed so you won’t need to wear a mask when you come to the college (unless you chose to do so).
Please remember to stay at home if you are unwell or have symptoms!
We will be able to help you remain safe if you are worried about getting infected by covid when you attend.
Cost of living courses
To help you with the cost of living we have some online courses that may help. Click the links for more info.
Bill Busting – MST online 1030-1230 6th October
Green Doctors – Energy Saving Tips- MST Online 11am-12pm 13th October
To help you with the cost of living here are some quick healthy meals you can cook on a budget from Aldi.
For further information, support and advice on how to beat the cost of living go to your local council pages here:
Money and Wellbeing in Calderdale | Calderdale Council
Cost of living | Kirklees Council
Courses on offer from Richmond fellowship
Online – Zoom Workshops
This two week workshop that starts on the 6th October, 1pm-3pm will show how to improve and maintain healthy levels of self worth and resilience to bounce back from life’s difficulties.
These 2 workshops that start on the 17th October, 1pm-3pm will explore all aspects of improving Assertiveness skills, maintaining them and developing better communication skills.
For more information, to see our online calendar:
Home – Kirklees Employment Service (
In other news…
Suicide prevention day 10th September
The launch of the Yorkshire Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt is being held at Millennium Square Leeds- (It was unfortunately postponed due the the Queens passing) and will now take place on Saturday 1st October 11am- 4pm at Millennium Square Leeds
The quilt is made up of individual squares of loved ones lost to suicide as a tribute to them. The Recovery Colleges have been supporting this project with some contributions coming from some of our learners. The original idea of a memorial quilt came from Manchester.
You can find out more here: Speak Their Name: Greater Manchester Suicide Memorial Quilt
Join us on Facebook and Instagram here:
We hope you have a great weekend.
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
More news articles

Weekly update
Welcome to the weekly update. Please have a look at available courses below. On Monday 10th October it is World Mental Health Day. Mental health impacts everyone, our families, workplaces...

Weekly update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have fantastic courses all free! Please have a look to see what is on offer! Courses are open to anyone 18 plus who wants...