Keeping Connected and the weekly update

Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Are you ready for some courses to help you live well? Well hang in there for just one more week! You may notice we are updating our website courses page in preparation for next weeks launch!
Meanwhile please enjoy our monthly addition of Keeping Connected with information about biking sessions, exploring local history, walking and South Asian Heritage Month.
Read on below for other community activities, projects and offers!
Let’s start with some good news!
Well done to Marina one of our Co-facilitators who won Learner of the Year Award from Calderdale Adult Learning. Having completed qualifications in Education and Training, English, Mental Wellbeing, Dyslexia Awareness and Baking! Is there no end to Marina’s talents?
Congratulations Marina we have always known you’re a star!
We are still a bit short handed at the moment admin wise
Please bear with us over the next few weeks. We are currently suffering from a shortage of admin workers! We’ll do our best to respond to any booking requests and enquires but we may be a little delayed in doing so!
You can help by:
- not enrolling again with us if you have attended a course in the last 2 years – just email or call to book onto a course
- attending courses you have booked onto
- getting in touch if you can’t attend a session in advance
- keeping us informed of any changes in your contact details and provide the correct email address
- emailing us where possible
- calling our main mobile number only on: 07717867911
If you can help us we can help you even more!
Good news – the Arriva bus strike is over!
Bad news – there will be train strikes!
Dates are: Saturday 30th July, Saturday 13th August, Thursday 18th and Saturday 20th August
Not all services will be affected so please click below for more info:
Train strikes: When are they and which trains are running? – BBC News
C & K Recovery and Wellbeing College courses
An introduction to mindfulness – online
Thursday 4th August 2-4pm (1 week)
Mindfulness is a skill which we can all learn. It involves an ability to become aware of what is happening in the present, moment by moment rather than being on automatic pilot, without worrying and judging. Being mindful provides us with opportunity to respond to difficult events and situations in new ways.
This introductory workshop, delivered in partnership with Spirit in Mind by Pastoral and Spiritual Care’s Nirmala, looks at the origins of mindfulness, core practices and its potential to be used to combat stress. Together, we will explore the various tools and techniques used to gain a better understanding of mindfulness and its purpose.
An introduction to Mindfulness – Online
Go Fish!
Still places and it is not too late for you to book onto the remaining sessions
Thursdays 5.30-8pm (until 25th August)
Magdale Dam
Fishing is a fun, social and inclusive activity that has proven health benefits. This free 8-week angling course gives learners the opportunity to escape the daily demands of life by being in nature, away from the world of technology and the opportunity to learn a new skill. You will discover the techniques and equipment most commonly used in the pursuit of freshwater fish. Delivered by a social enterprise that specialises in outdoor activities, Eden Forest CIC will introduce you to a sport that may transform your life! This course is suitable for beginners.
This is open to learners from Kirklees and Calderdale
Go Fish! – Hillhouse Honley
Wellbeing Toolkit
Coming soon! We are taking names! So please get in touch!
Hope street Resource Centre
This 5-week course is designed to help you recognise the importance of practicing self-care, finding balance in your life and discovering your own personal wellness tools to help you live life well. During the course we will look at positive and negative thoughts and their impact. We will discuss simple tools and strategies to help you deal with the highs and lows of life. Throughout the course you will develop a personal wellbeing toolkit, by the end of the course you will be armed with your own unique wellness activities and tools.
Wellbeing Toolkit – Hope Street
Kayaking Taster Session (1 week)
Canalside, The Wharf, Sowerby Bridge.
Thursday 1st September 10.45am -1.30pm
Thursday 8th September 10.45am -1.30pm
Our partners Blackdog Outdoors are running Kayaking Taster Sessions on the Calder & Hebble Navigation Canal.
During the taster session you will be introduced to Kayaking, and you will learn some basic paddling skills from a fully qualified instructor. You will then take a leisurely paddle down the canal, with the rest of the group and the instructors. This stretch of the canal is beautiful, passing through open countryside and parts of our industrial heritage, with regular sightings of moor hens, swans, geese, and other wildlife. These sessions are a great opportunity to try something new, see some interesting sights and have some fun!
Suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.
Kayaking Taster Sessions – Calderdale
If you are new to the College please enrol here
To book a place on a course or to find out more:
email or contact us on 07717867911
Other initiatives from local organisations:
Support to Recovery
S2R’s brand-new August Schedule is here! So if you’d like to join in with any of our outdoor wellbeing sessions, local community projects or crafty and creative workshops, then take a look at their new August 2022 Schedule.
Walks for Wellbeing in Calderdale Upper Valley
- Safe, confidential environments
- A space to chat to others and feel supported
- Opportunity to get some fresh air and gentle exercise
Boost your mood in the great outdoors by joining your friendly and caring local walking and peer support group.
Book by contacting Liz with your name and number:
or call: 07541 690145
Walks For Wellbeing – Healthy Minds (Calderdale)
Cycle for Health
Build your fitness, self-esteem and confidence by joining a free 12 week community cycling course aiming to help you to improve your health and wellbeing. This programme is specially designed for adults who could benefit from improving their physical or mental health, and sessions are run by supportive instructors. As long as you can cycle a short distance (even if it hasn’t been for many years) then you can take part!
Courses are taking place at different venues across West Yorkshire.
For more details and to book contact Cycling UK on 01483 904562, or email
Get Set Goal
This is a new service from the University of Huddersfield, offering FREE one-to-one help in setting and reaching your health and wellbeing goals. A supervised health care student will work with you over several weeks to develop effective goals for being and feeling well. They will also support you as you take steps to achieve your goals. Appointments are online or by telephone. Students are supervised by registered health care professionals.
For more details or to book email:
Wellbeing get together for young people who are deaf or hard of hearing
A group event in the Greenhead Park area of Huddersfield for anyone aged 16-25 who is deaf or hard of hearing. Join in and enjoy a walk, a meal and good company. Your travel costs can be paid, get in touch to find out more.
Saturday 30th July, 11.30am – 2pm
For details and to book a place, contact Sabah on 07874 041074 or email
Richmond Fellowship Zoom Workshops
These workshops are open to everyone aged 18 or over who lives in Kirklees and experiences mental health issues, problems or concerns.
This new two week workshop that starts on the 15th August 1-3pm will show how food can affect our mental wellbeing in a positive and negative way and general tips on what to eat to improve your mental health.
This extremely popular 6 week workshop starts on the 18th August and explores all aspects of getting into employment after being out of work for any length of time due to poor mental or physical health.
For more info or to book a place please contact our friend:
Karl Jackson-Lander on 07909 993203 or email:
Join us on Facebook and Instagram:
C & K Recovery & Wellbeing College | Facebook
Stay safe and reach out
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
More news articles

Weekly update
Welcome the weekly update. We are very excited to have launched a number of courses! Starting in September until the new year and now available for you to book onto....

The Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update. Have a scroll through the many community projects and contributions at the bottom of this page! Lots to get involved in and some great support...