Keeping Connected and the Weekly Update

Welcome to Keeping Connected and the weekly update. Meet James, our new Peer worker, and read Marie’s inspiring story of how writing has helped her with the loss of her brother. All here:
Our college supports you to develop the wellbeing tools you need to live a good life. We don’t preach, tell or educate! Rather, we invite you to share your learning, skills and thoughts as we share ours. In other words we learn with and from each other! Courses are facilitated not taught and your input is as valuable as those leading the course.
You can go directly to our course timetable for a full menu of courses. You may be missing out if you don’t!
Remember if you are struggling with anxiety and that is stopping you getting to a course, please do call us so we can look out for you and give you an extra warm welcome! We understand that anxiety can be very distressing but you can move forward with a bit of support and understanding.
College Courses on offer:
You might be missing out on courses. Go directly to our course page on our website.
We don’t advertise all the courses we have on offer in the weekly update. Please click the icon below to go straight to our course timetable.
Last chance…
Handmade Doodle Books
Hope Street Resource Centre, Hope Street Halifax HX1 5DW
Monday 6th November 10.30am-12.30pm (6 weeks)
Please note the change of venue on 27th November to Artworks for the remainder of the course. Details on how to get there and meet will be provided on the course.
This brand-new course has been inspired by our popular and well received Mindful Doodles course. You will have the opportunity to create a collection of simple handmade books, filled with colourful patterns. No previous drawing experience is required and as always will be delivered in a gentle, friendly environment.
All course materials and resources are provided free of charge!
This course is great as a mindfulness activity taking you away from negative thoughts, worries and focusing your attention on the present moment.
We will run the second half of the course at Artworks, who have activities on offer to inspire your artistic talents should you wish to continue your creative journey.
This face-to-face course will be facilitated by our well-liked Creative Practitioner duo Sarah and Sara.
We would love you to come and join us so please book on asap!
Please note the change of venue on 27th November to Artworks for the remainder of the course. Details on how to get there and meet will be provided on the course.
Handmade Doodle Books – Calderdale
Knitting for Wellbeing
Kirklees Recovery College, Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Tuesday 7th November 10.00am-12.00pm (6 weeks)
Did you know that knitting can reduce depression and anxiety, boost feelings of wellbeing and help you to cope with pain? These are just a few of the many benefits to this wonderful activity. This course, kindly delivered by our partners at Kirklees Success Centre is suitable for beginners and those with previous experience, so come along and have some creative fun on this practical six week course. Yarn and knitting needles will be provided.
Please be aware that due to funding from Kirklees Success Centre, priority will be given to learners living in Kirklees.
Knitting for Wellbeing – Kirklees
Wellbeing Toolkit
Hope Street Resource Centre, Hope Street Halifax HX1 5DW
Thursday 9th November 12.30-3.00pm (5 weeks)
This course is designed to help you recognise the importance of practicing self-care, finding balance in your life and discovering your own personal wellness tools to help you live life well. We will do this using practical creative activities, fun and group discussion. During the course we will look at positive and negative thoughts and their impact. We will discuss simple tools and strategies to help you deal with the highs and lows of life. Throughout the course you will develop a personal wellbeing toolkit, by the end of the course you will be armed with your own unique wellness activities and tools.
Wellbeing Toolkit – Calderdale
Self-Care for Carers
Wednesday 1st November 1.30-3.30pm (4 weeks)
Delivered by our partners at Carers Count, this useful and informative four-week course will help you, as a carer to reflect on your role, discover your rights and where you can get support. Together we will discuss, what self-care is and learn some helpful self-care practices and how we can incorporate these into our busy lives. Over the weeks, you will have the opportunity to share your own experiences in this friendly and informal setting, with other carers and gain support from each other as well as learning how to improve and maintain a sense of wellbeing.
Please note that due to funding this course is for carers residing in Kirklees only.
Self-Care for Carers – Online (Kirklees)
How to Manage Stress
Kirklees Recovery College, Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Tuesday 7th November 1-3pm (2 weeks)
This informative and useful two-week course, kindly offered by our partners at the Richmond Fellowship, looks at the causes, symptoms and impact of stress. With the help of friendly facilitator, Karl, it will help you examine how to recognise – and effectively combat stress in your daily life in a relaxed, safe and supportive environment alongside other learners.
Please note that due to Richmond Fellowship’s funding this course is only available to learners living in Kirklees.
How to Manage Stress – Kirklees
Medication and Me: understanding the pros and cons of mental health meds
Folly Hall, St Thomas Road, Huddersfield HD1 3LT
Monday 13th November 12.30pm-2.30pm (1 week)
Many of us take prescribed medication throughout our lives to help with our mental health. This can provide the hope of regaining what we feel we have lost, but there can be negative effects too – everybody’s experience is different.
Join us as we explore the world of mental health medication, and learn about the different ways these drugs can affect us, both in helpful ways, and their potential side effects. This one-off session, delivered by the Deputy Chief Pharmacist at Fieldhead Hospital alongside a RWC Volunteer, focuses on how commonly prescribed mental health medications work, how we can get the most from them, and how to work with prescribers to get answers to any queries or concerns.
Medication and Me: understanding the pros and cons
Christmas Craft: Snowflakes
Hope Street Resource Centre, Hope Street Halifax HX1 5DW
Tuesday 28th November 10am-12pm (1 week)
During this one-off festive winter workshop, delivered by Sara, our fabulous Creative Practitioner we will discover how to create handmade decorations for our homes and/or cards and gifts. Using nothing but a pencil, paper and scissors we will make beautiful snowflake decorations in a friendly and informal setting where we can spend a little time focusing on this simple activity and distract ourselves from the stress of the busy season ahead. No previous experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. Materials provided.
Christmas Craft: Snowflakes – Calderdale
Christmas Craft: Decorations
Hope Street Resource Centre, Hope Street Halifax HX1 5DW
Tuesday 5th December 10am-12pm (1 week)
Kirklees Recovery College, Kirklees Recovery & Wellbeing College, Pathways, Nettleton Rd, Mirfield, WF14 9AQ
Tuesday 12th December 10am-12pm (1 week)
Engaging in arts and crafts can be a great way to improve our sense of wellbeing and, with the busy festive season ahead, this one-off winter workshop is a great opportunity to focus on a simple activity and forget about our worries for a while. Alongside, our wonderful Creative Practitioner, Sara we will learn how to create a fabulous decoration to display in our homes, on our trees or even to decorate gifts. No previous experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. Materials provided.
Please note that our craft room at the Recovery & Wellbeing College in Mirfield is based upstairs there is no lift available. Please inform us at the time of booking if you have any access issues, so we can make every effort to meet your needs.
Christmas Craft: Decorations – Calderdale and Kirklees
Please remember that if you are already enrolled with the College, there is no need to enrol again. Just get in touch via email or telephone to book on your chosen course or workshop.
Email: or Telephone: 07717 867911
If you are new to the College please enrol here
Covid rates are rising and very high at the moment. Please don’t spread your germs if you have any symptoms remember to stay at home! Thanks
Other Community Offers:
Free Annual Health Checks
Did you know you are entitled to a free Annual Health Check if you have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder or Psychosis?
Prevention is better than cure and a health check can be a good way to advert any potential health problems from developing.
However, the uptake of a free health check is very low, meaning that many people could be facing serious health issues without even realising it.
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas to help encourage the residents of Calderdale to book a health check appointment with their GP Practise.
This could include sharing your experience of attending a health check, attending meetings, workshops, and training events. This work could literally save lives.
If you can help, please call or email the college for more information. You could literally be a life saver!
Do you want support with managing your mental health?
Join us to find out about what mental health activities and services can support you. Come along for a cuppa with a Mental Health Social Prescribing Link Worker and connect with others.
Dewsbury Library, Railway Street, Dewsbury WF12 8EB
Monday 23 October 2pm – 4pm
For more information contact:
Vicki Stratford M: 07528 252002
Our Recovery College will have a stand there! So pop down and say hello!
Retirement workshops
Invictus Wellbeing Drop-in for young people in Calderdale
Edshift, 7 Harrison Road, Halifax, HX1 2AF
EXCITING NEWS! Our new Drop-in and Peer support group in Halifax Our groups will be running every Tuesday from 5-6pm for 14-17s & 6-7pm for 18-25s and are completely free.
Theses will be confidential safe spaces for any young person needing support.
No need for a referral, you can just turn up and meet our friendly staff.
For more info head to:
If you’re a parent or young person with any questions, you can also text Katie on 07734452169
Friendship Café, Mirfield
Feeling lonely or isolated? Need a bit of company? Why not join like-minded people at Mirfield Library once a month for a cuppa, a piece of cake and a good old chat?
First Friday of every month at Mirfield Library, 10.30am – 12pm.
Healthy Minds, Calderdale
Healthy Minds offers a range of free support for anybody who lives or works in Calderdale. You don’t need to be referred, just get in touch with the relevant worker beforehand to join a group or activity.
Healthy Minds provides a range of services including drop-in sessions, peer support groups, Walks for Wellbeing and welfare rights information.
See their What’s On calendar for details of current groups and events. Information about how to join a group or session is included in individual event descriptions:
Healthy Minds What’s On Calendar
Cost of Living Information:
Click the link below to find links to websites and workbooks that can provide help and advice with money, debt and the cost of living.
Cost of Living Information – Calderdale and Kirklees
Cost of Living Payment dates announced
Millions of eligible households on means-tested benefits across the UK will receive £300 directly from the Department for Work and Pensions between 31 October and 19 November. This is the second of 3 direct payments totalling up to £900. Eligible pensioner households will also receive a further £300 payment later this year (link).
Small Interest Free Loans of £50 and £250 with financial incentives launched
Calderdale Credit Union (CCU) and Calderdale Council have recently launched a new scheme to offer affordable lending to low-income households. Residents can self-refer or be referred by a partner organisation. For further information and to apply contact CCU.
Gambling Understood
A new website called ‘Gambling Understood’ has been launched by the Association of Directors of Public Health Yorkshire and Humber to bring together reliable information and support about gambling together in one place (link)
Free Community Christmas Day Dinner
Join us at the Longcauseway Church Dewsbury
This event is open to anyone
Book on by calling 07398735530
or visit our Units 34-34a Cloth Hall Street, Crackenedge Lane, Dewsbury WF13 1QE
Follow us on our socials here:
We hope you have a great weekend
The Recovery & Wellbeing College Team
07717 867911
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Welcome to the Weekly Update! Check out any courses which still have last minute availability, find out what is happening elsewhere in the community and don’t forget to visit our...

Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update with community information on workshops for people that are retiring or retired, to drop-ins for younger people needing a safe space. Our college supports you...