Latest Blogs
Discover 2020: Pandemic Stories – Gary
Gary reflects on the small but precious things lost in lockdown. 2020 will be a year forever remembered for a Pandemic that changed the world, that challenged the mental health...
9 Lives by Isma Kelly, Learner
9 Lives by Isma Kelly, Learner Looking for shelter from the Egyptian sun A shabby hungry cat wishes life was done As sleep descends on him the light starts...
A to Z of Corona Virus
“One of our volunteers, Molly has been working on this for a little while and has kindly shared it with us A is for asymptomatic – you don’t know you’ve...
We all wear masks!
A smiling face, a cheeky grin and a mischievous sense of humour! That is how I will remember Andy. He was my work colleague and he died aged 34. He...
The Perils of the Pedometer
The benefits of exercise cannot be over emphasised, they go much further than mere physical fitness. In February this year, my GP, with my age and the result of a...
Getting Active
If you would like to hear more about how Sarah, the Peer Project Support Worker for Recovery College Calderdale, has used physical activity to help her with her mental health...
Learning and Support
" not lose hope but be renewed every day as you seek to better yourself... now and in times to come."
"In a world where we are made to feel guilty for taking time for yourself, wellness can seem frivolous (even pointless) but I urge you to find time each week, 10 minutes if that's all you can spare, to do something that you love and give it your full attention."
Creativity for Mental Wellbeing
"The skills that I have gained from attending classes there have benefitted my life outside of my creativity. I am now, not only volunteering with the Recovery College delivering craft workshops but also have paid employment with Artworks too."
One of our volunteers, Carrie has shared with us how she has been fairing during the early weeks of lockdown…. “This week has been a tough one and in these...
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Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update, where you can read about courses and…
Weekly update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have a lot of new courses…
Weekly Update
Welcome to the Weekly Update. Every cloud has a silver lining! Well…