Latest Blogs
Don’t think about it – just do it!
One of our learners, Mark has kindly shared how getting back in the saddle helped him on his own ‘recovery journey’ “Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency;...
Coping with Bereavement and Self-Harm
Hello, I’m Michael – if you’ve attended any courses at the Mirfield Recovery & Wellbeing College then you’ve probably met me because I’ve been on most of them myself! I...
A Revelation!
One of our learners, Susan is a full-time carer for her husband who has Dementia. She has kindly shared with us her experience of the Recovery & Wellbeing College and...
I am grateful…
We recently met with one of our new learners, Sarah and she bravely shared with us her recovery journey and the things she is grateful for…. In 2021, I was...
Finding me again
We asked one of our newest learners, Lynda about what she had ‘recovered’ from attending the College. This is what she had to say… “I arrived at the Recovery and...
There is hope….
We saw a familiar face on one of our Mission 2 Mend workshops recently, when one of our learners, Ali arrived to facilitate the class. Read on to discover her...
Go Fish!
After attending one of our beginners ‘Go Fish!’ courses delivered by our partners, Eden’s Forest, and subsequently joining the follow-up intermediate course, we asked one of our learners, Mark, about...
In Search of Roots
"the roots of the West Yorkshire woodlands held me when I felt little else could...."
Self Soothe and Self Care
My name is Louise and I’m a passionate advocate for self-soothe and self-care. Just over 5 years ago, during a very desperate time in my life, when I didn’t even...
Yoga – a tool to manage depression
My connection to Yoga came at a dark time, when it felt there was no way out of depression. I found my head was all over the place, I couldn’t...
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Weekly Update
Welcome to the weekly update, where you can read about courses and…
Weekly update
Welcome to the weekly update. We have a lot of new courses…
Weekly Update
Welcome to the Weekly Update. Every cloud has a silver lining! Well…