Loss, self-healing and unexpected benefits

Learner, Eileen kindly shares with us a little about her experience of loss, self-healing and the unexpected benefits of attending a Recovery College course.
“A few weeks ago, I started the Declutter Your Life course at the Howlands Centre in Dewsbury. Within the first hour, I felt completely at ease. The environment was welcoming, and the facilitators, Karen and Wendy, were fantastic, making everyone feel comfortable. However, I faced a challenge with my hearing. Karen suggested I move to the front of the class to hear better, but then I couldn’t hear the rest of the group, who had so much to share! I left feeling frustrated. This frustration became a catalyst for change, and I finally went for a hearing test after putting it off for eight years. Within a week, I had hearing aids, and from that point on, I could hear every word on the course. It was such a joy! Regaining my hearing has been liberating, and I feel like a new life has opened up for me.
I started attending the Recovery & Wellbeing College after losing two children. In my grief, there were times when I didn’t want to live, but I realized that when you’re in that pit of despair, the only way is up. I’ve tackled my self-limiting beliefs and feelings of guilt ingrained since childhood, and practiced lots of self-care. I used to think of my life like a candle flickering in the breeze, at risk of being blown out at any moment. But with each act of self-care, my candle burned brighter until it reached a point where it can now withstand any wind. Since my bereavements, I have healed and grown, and now I feel like the strongest woman who has ever walked this planet, cherishing sweet memories of my loved ones.
Despite having mobility issues and becoming socially isolated over the last year, I continue to push myself to get out of the house, however hard it might be. I’m constantly learning and believe that our lives are like a jigsaw. We may have a few pieces in the right place, with the corners and edges done, but there are so many more pieces scattered about with no idea where they go. Yet, each time we learn and grow, we fit another piece into the puzzle. I believe that by confronting my self-limiting beliefs and embracing self-care, I’ve transformed my life. My once flickering candle now burns brightly and the jigsaw is coming together too!”
Loss of hearing can lead to feelings of loneliness due to difficulties in communication, making it important to get a hearing test to stay connected with loved ones and maintain social wellbeing.
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