Just one course…..


July 23, 2024

Brand-new learner, Nikki kindly tells us how by attending just one Recovery College course, she has found something to help overcome her battle with Anxiety & Depression.

“Hi, I’m Nikki. I’m 44 years old, and have battled with Depression and Anxiety for as long as I can remember. As I have come to understand it, Anxiety and Depression are not things that can be cured but things that we have to live alongside of.  I have tried everything from counselling and CBT, to hypnotherapy and meditation to help manage the symptoms but nothing really stuck. I was signposted to the Recovery & Wellbeing College by my Mental Health Nurse.

Enrolling felt a bit scary if I’m honest. The thing that encouraged me though was the thought of attending a course run by people who know, and understand the thoughts and feelings of Depression and Anxiety. Not just someone who learned about it in a book. After filling in a simple enrolment form online, I looked at the courses available. The one that appealed to me the most was ‘Write time for Wellbeing.’  Although it was a short course I got so much out of it.  The Recovery College staff were so lovely and the tutor, Heather was amazing! She was patient, professional and she not only listened but ‘heard’ what was being said. The support from others in the group was really valuable too. It made us all realise that we are not alone with this.

I have finally found something that works for me, and also found that I love writing! I am taking it further and am enrolling on a creative writing course in September. Writing may not be your cup of tea but honestly, have a look at the courses on offer, be brave, and enrol. You may just find something that works for you too!”

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