Creativity for Mental Wellbeing

One of our Volunteers, Sara Rose has kindly shared with us how being creative has a positive impact on her mental health…
“Long before I had a mental health diagnosis creativity made me feel good. When I was a child, I loved to make things: peg dolls, string art, castles made of matchsticks etc and I have always loved to make gifts for friends and family. That good feeling you get when giving gifts is so much better when that gift has been created with your own hands and talent and infused with your love. As I got older, I would have bursts of creativity and times when I just couldn’t focus and had no inspiration, this all made sense when I was diagnosed with Bipolar at the age of 40. I moved to Halifax two and half years ago from Brighton, which put an incredible strain on my mental health, as was to be expected. I have though, over the years, accumulated a large collection of craft materials. So, whilst I was getting my bearings in a new town, I was able to keep my mind and hands active with crochet, beading, mosaic, jewellery making, needle felting etc. I was getting support from the Laura Mitchell Centre and the Vocational Team and it was my Occupational Therapist who recommended Artworks. I found it quite difficult to get there initially due to depression and acute social anxiety, but so glad I did. Not only have I learnt new skills, I have also found friends, gained structure to my week and my confidence has improved. The skills that I have gained from attending classes there have benefitted my life outside of my creativity. I am now, not only volunteering with the Recovery College delivering craft workshops but also have paid employment with Artworks too . This work has significantly improved my mental health by providing me with a sense of purpose.”
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